Movie Theatre Ad Stats

The biggest part of what I do is advertising and marketing for independent movie theatres*.I currently work with 8 theatres across British Columbia. All are independently owned and operated. I love being able to visit and work with each one.

I offer a unique chance for theatre owners to increase their revenue streams. One of those ways is by providing production services to local businesses to get their ads on the silver screen in their home town. Something that they weren't able to do before. I also have recently set-up a partnership for national & provincial ads to run on our screens (more to come on that later).

I found some very interesting stats on advertising trends for theatres in the USA. Here they are:

- Last year in the USA alone, Theatre Ad Revenue was $658.3 Million Dollars.

- This was the biggest increase in ad sales since 2007.

- On screen ads are the most prominent, taking up 91.5% of revenue last year

- Off screen ads (things like lobby TVs, posters, website ads) went up 38% from the year before, increasing to 8.5% of revenue

- There are a lot of classic brands jumping into theatre advertising for the first time and it's accounting for a majority of the growth in ad sales.

- With the way people watch media, theatre ads are becoming more and more prominent to capture audiences.

If you would like to read more of the article, check it out on

*I run Film Ads, a division of Hawkins Media. For more info, visit



Matthew A. Hawkins