FilmAds Promo: Williams Lake & Quesnel

FilmAds is offering a special for Williams Lake & Quesnel businesses. Buy a 15 or 30 sec ad production and 3 months airtime AND we'll throw in a FREE (absolutely free) promo video that you can use for your business. Ideas for where to use the promo video: Facebook Page or Group, YouTube channel, website, blog, something for Grandma at Christmas or something to laugh at later on. You name it.

So if you have a business in Williams Lake or Quesnel, if you know someone with a business in those towns (you can make $50 if you refer them and we make the sale) send them our way and let's get filming.

Ideas for the promo video would be interviews and showcases of your store or product. It would be a 2-3 minute video showing people who and what you are.

So get cracking Williams Lake & Quesnel. Let's get you on the Interwebs AND on the SilverScreen! Offer is good until the end of February 2011.

Contact us at iwas {at} matthewahawkins [dot] com or 604.316.4404
