My Desire

The other day I shared with you a little about my role, and today it's my desire. Being involved in production for a few years now I've been able to work with some incredibly talented people and I've been able to learn a lot as well. I have a number of guys/girls I follow on Twitter and Google Reader and I must say that most days I feel intimidated by what they can do. The crazy and creative work and their knowledge of the programs I use is just amazing. Of those people, a few of them I follow the most are:

- Andrew Kramer (Video Co-Pilot) - Barton Damer (Already Been Chewed) - Nick Campbell (GreyScaleGorilla) - Jeff Finley (GoMedia) Not to mention some great sites like Church Marketing Lab, AETuts and a handful of others.

I can't help but see the potential and hope to get that good. My desire is to become better. Become better in how I shoot video, how I edit and composite. I had interesting meeting today with my boss and he had a great challenge. He mentioned that I need to find my niche. Is it something general? Specific? Is it something to do with management/leadership? Or is it something like doing the nitty gritty and getting it done?

I'm trying to figure that out. I know that I can do a number of things well, but I want to move from good to great. I need to figure out what it is that I want to be great at. There are so many areas of production that it's impossible to be great at everything. You can be great at audio, shooting, post-production (motion graphics, color correcting, etc.) print design, web construction & design... you name it. So much that you can do.

My desire... become great. Doing what? I need to figure that out.

What's your desire? What do you want to be great at?

Matthew A. Hawkins