Lasting Impression

From Twitter this morning "getting rocked by one thing and another. open your heart to a few things in life and your eyes get open just after. stories to tell soon" (@mahawkins) I had the chance to tour Uganda for 5 days at the beginning of June. Amazing time. It's been on my heart everyday since I got back. It's left a lasting impression.

Our first day there we picked up Huldah from the police department. She was abandoned at the front of someones property. Left there for anyone to find her. I had the chance to bring my video camera into the police station. You could say that place sure felt corrupt walking through it. If they wanted my camera they could have taken it and I could have done nothing about it. Pieta, aka Mamma, just walked straight through the front door to a back room where two ladies and man had Huldah waiting for us. Huldah was dressed in a blue baby outfit and her diaper on backwards. Huldah and her story has left a lasting impression on my life.

Here's a picture of her. Absolutely beautiful.


Recently I recieved an email from the team leader we had with us in Uganda. He works with Hungry for Life. He was emailing us to let us know that one of the twins that Noahs Ark was caring for (they have over 100 kids they care for) had passed away. I may have briefly met this little girl. She was sick while we were there and was one of the little ones under quarantine. Nevertheless she left a lasting impression.

I'm weighing a lot of things in my life right now. Where I want to go. What I want to do. I have valued weight in which to weigh it with.

I hope to leave a lasting impression on others. What has left a lasting impression for you? Have pictures, video? Share the link.

Matthew A. Hawkins