Photoshop Template - Matthew A. Hawkins
I've had a number of comments about my business card:
I'm all for sharing resources and I just want to give you some of the tools I've been given from others and things I've learned. I know it may seem kind of conceded or egotistical to be giving out templates of my own card, but take it and make it your own. Get some good pictures of yourself and put together a great looking business card.
When I put the card together I was looking for something cool to put on the back of the card. I didn't want a cheesy statement like, "Above the Rest" or "High Quality Media" (sorry if you use those terms, they really are great!) My wife suggested the riddle on the back in place of "Because I care" and it's been great. I have had a lot of people passing my card around just for the sake of figuring out the riddle. I wanted the texture of the card (it feels like plastic), the colors and images to reflect my creativity and I think it does.
One fellow I know, name unmentionable, got mad that I wouldn't tell him the answer to the riddle. I then told him a 9 year old girl figured it out in minutes. The unmentionable man ripped the card in my face and drove off. I later discovered an unknown person placed my card in the unmentionable man's driveway. This infuriated him more as the answer could not come to him. His name, Tim Wight, and he has learned of the answer. Keep it secret, keep it safe.
All that and here it is. They are Photoshop CS2 files and are in one zipped folder.
Use them how you want, feel free to let me know what you do with them.